Thursday, February 20, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 8. Day B.

sRPE @7.5
BW - 222

Press - 125X3, 3, 3 @7/8

1-Arm Cable Front Y Raise - X14, 11, 10 @~10

Deadlift - up to 365X1 @7
super-set with
Rope Bayesian Curls - X14, 13 @10

SLDL - 275X5, 5 @6/7

PJR Pullovers - 60X8, 8, 8 @8/9

Going to try and work some supersetting back in as sessions are starting to get longer.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 8. Day A.

sRPE @8
BW - 225

Press - 
-    up to 165X1 @10
-    135X3, 3, 3 @7/9

Cambered Bench - 155X5, 5, 5 @7/9

Hack Squats - 100X10, 10 @~9

Pull-Downs - X12, 9 @~10

1-Arm DB OH Extension - 25X14, 12, 8, 7 @~10

Was feeling fatigued walking into the gym, so I took a lot of time with  my Press warm-ups.  Things started feeling pretty good as I hit 135, and I ended up tying my PR.

Despite going heavy on Press, Cambered Bench felt about the same as last week.

Because Squats were so hard last week, I decided to do something a bit more stressful than Roman Chair Squats for my Squat assistance today.

Beat the log book on pulldowns.

All the EZ bars were weirdly occupied, so I did single arm OH extensions.

Much longer session today because more warm-ups were needed on the first 3 movements, and doing unilateral work on the last one. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 7. Day C.

sRPE @8
BW - 224

Press - 125X3, 3, 3 @~7

High Incline DB Bench - 50sX14, 8, 8, 7 @10

Deficit Flexion Rows - 145X8, 8, 8 @8.5/10

Seated Leg Curls - X15, 13 @~10

Pushdowns - X16, 13, 10 @10

Wasn't feeling Seated DB Press today so switched to High Incline DB Bench.

Getting better acclimated to the Deficit Flexion Rows.  Still a ways to go.

Beat the log book on leg curls.

Felt like I got hit by a truck after Squats in the prior session.  Made everything today harder.  I'm super annoyed when this happens.  The only way I've found to really avoid it is to have frequent Squatting in my program, but that makes all my programs Squat focused, and I went through years of always having Squat be my best lift because of it.  Anytime I try to get away and try to really build up other lifts, Squatting starts to bury me.  But there I was again last night, starting to write out a frequent Squat program when what I really wanted to do was move on to Bench and Rows after this.  Oh well.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 7. Day B.

sRPE @7.5
BW - 225

Press - 125X3, 3, 3 @7

Incline DB Raise - 15sX16, 12, 10 @10

Squat - up to 335X1 @9

ATG Pause Squat - 225X5, 5 @7/8

Lying DB Curls - 20sX12, 8 @10

PJR Pullovers - 55X14, 11, 10 @8/10

Sets of 125X3 felt easier across the board since I moved up to that weight for my light days.

Did a PL Squat for the first time since 7/1/24, and ripped my shorts wide open.  Gains.

Technique on the regular Squat was a bit wonky, so there's room to get that round back into form as this was on par with my best ATG Pause singles.

Beat the recent log book on Incline Raise, Lying Curls, and Triceps Pullovers.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 7. Day A.

sRPE @7.5
BW - 226

Press - 
-    up to 155X1 @9.5
-    135X3, 3, 3 @7/8

Cambered Bar Bench - 155X5, 5, 5 @7.5/8

GHR - BWX16, 13 @~9

Machine Pullovers - X17, 14 @9.5

EZ OH Extensions - 55X12, 10, 8, 7 @10

Had to leave town unexpectedly for a few days last week, and missed a training session.

Top single on Press was about the same as last week, but back-offs were maybe a tad stronger.

Over the previous 6 weeks, I'd hit a few PRs on DB Bench, so I decided to swap it out for Cambered Bar Bench.  I will likely pivot to focusing on Bench after this Press-focused training runs it's course.  Cambered Bench allows me to start splashing in some skill work on that while continuing to "overload" the delts beyond what I can OHP, but still with a lengthened movement.

Really tried to "beat the log book" instead of just "punching the clock" and add reps on GHR and Pullovers over recent performance while maintaining good technique.  I do a lot of GHRs, and that's definitely a PR at anything close to this BW. 

After all that, Overhead Extensions went in the tank a bit on the initial sets, lol.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 6. Day B.

sRPE @7.5
BW - 223

Press - 125X3, 3, 3 @7.5

Incline DB Raise - 15sX15, 11, 9 @~10

Deadlift - up to 365X1 @7

SLDL - 275X5, 5 @8

Rope Bayesian Curls - X12, 8 @10

PJR Pullovers - 55X13, 10, 8 @9/10

Decided I might start working PL Deadlifts and Squats back in just as singles before rep work on the longer ROM variations.  This my first PL DL since July.  Only about 5% off from my e1RM back then, so it seems like all the SLDL work has allowed me to maintain pretty well.  

I cut this off @ RPE 7.  This is probably the heaviest absolute weight I've lifted at all since July, and it felt like my back was starting to struggle a lot more than my lower extremities.  About to do a quick out of town trip, and didn't want to risk dealing with a back tweak during travel.  This is just a starting point, anyway, for working the heavier stuff back in.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 6. Day A.

sRPE @7.5
BW - 225

Press -
-    up to 155X1 @9.5
-    135X3, 3, 3 @7.5/8.5

DB Bench - 65sX14(PR), 9, 6 @~10

Roman Chair Squats - BWX11, 10 @~9

Pulldowns - X11, 8 @10

EZ OH Extensions - 55X16, 11, 7, 7 @10

Upped the top single a bit on Press, and grabbed another Rep PR on DB Bench.  

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 5. Day C.

sRPE @7.5
BW - 223

Press - 125X3, 3, 3 @7/8

DB Seated Press - 45sX13, 11, 8, 7 @10

Deficit BB Flexion Rows - 145X8, 8, 7 @~10

Seated Leg Curls - X12, 8 @10

Pushdowns - X14, 12, 10 @10

Nice session.  Technical acclimation on the Deficit Flexion Rows has a lot of headroom, but the upper back burn was very real.  

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 5. Day B.

sRPE @7.5
BW - 226

Press - 125X3, 3, 3 @7.5

Incline DB Constant Tension Raise - 12sX14, 12, 10 @10

ATG Pause Squat -
-    275X1 @8.5
-    185X5 @6

Lying DB Curls - 20sX11, 7 @10

PJR Pullovers - 55X12, 10, 7 @~10

Everything was a bit harder today than expected.  Squats had a real -10% day for some reason.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 5. Day A.

sRPE @6.5
BW - 226

Press - 
-    up to 150X1 @9
-    135X3, 3, 3 @~8

DB Bench - 65sX13(PR), 8, 7 @10

GHR - BWX14, 10 @~10

EZ OH Extensions - 55X15, 11, 8, 6 @10

Upped the weight and dropped the reps on the Press back-offs.  Now that volume has ramped up on accessories, I should be getting enough hypertrophy volume for Delts and Triceps that I can pivot work on the main lift to lower reps.

Nice to grab a DB Bench PR.  Doing DB Bench after heavy Pressing really lights up my pecs. 

Didn't look closely at my program, and inadvertently skipped upper back work.  Life goes on. 

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 4. Day C.

sRPE @6.5
BW - 223

Press - 125X3, 3, 3 @7.5

DB Seated Press - 45sX12, 10, 8 @~10

Chins - BWX3, 3, 3 @8/9

Adductor Machine - 150X11, 10 @~10

Rope Pushdowns - X12, 11, 9 @10

Solid.  sRPE trending down throughout this week.  I'll add a tad more volume over the next couple of weeks as long as that trend continues.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 4. Day B.

sRPE @6.5
BW - 223

Press - 125X3, 3, 3 @~7.5

Incline DB Raise - 15sX14, 10, 9 @10

-    up to 345X1 @9.5
-    275X5 @7

Rope Bayesian Curls - X12, 10 @10

PJR Pullovers - 55X11, 11, 8 @9/10

Upped weight on "light" Presses and they felt fine. 

Also upped reps on Front Raises, and upped weight on Triceps Pullovers.  All feeling good.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 4. Day A.

sRPE @7
BW - 224

Press - 
-    up to 150X1 @9.5
-    125X5, 5, 5 @8/9.5

DB Bench - 65sX12(ties PR), 8, 7 @~10

Roman Chair Squats - BWX13, 10 @9.5

Pull-Downs - X11, 9 @~10

EZ OH Extensions - 55X14, 10, 9, 8 @~10

Small bump in Press strength over last week, and tied DB Bench PR.  Overall difficulty of the session was down a little bit over last week as well, even though I added set volume.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 3. Day C.

sRPE @8
BW - 224

Press - 115X3, 3, 3 @~6.5

DB Seated Press - 45sX10, 9, 7 @~10

BB Flexion Rows - 185X6, 6 @9/10

Leg Curls - X12, 9 @10

Rope Pushdowns - X11, 10, 9 @~10

Felt totally gassed when I got home from this session for some reason.  Probably stress.

I decided to do BB Rows instead of DB Rows to save a little time.  These were a little bit more fatiguing than I expected so I might add a deficit next time.  That should bring the weight down and give me a comparable or better stimulus with less absolute fatigue. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 3. Day B.

sRPE @7.5
BW - 222

Press - 115X3, 3, 3 @~6

Incline DB Raise - 15sX12, 10, 8 @10

ATG Pause Squat -
 -   315X1 @9
-    225X5, 5 @~7.5

Lying DB Curls - 20sX10, 7 @~10

PJR Pullovers- 50X13, 10, 10 @~10

Solid.  Press continues to feel slightly stronger week-over-week.

I think I'll keep the PJR Pullovers in for a while.  They give a nice, bi-articular Triceps stimulus while also giving some secondary stimulus to the Pecs and/or Lats (depending on which hyper-confident fitness influencers you lend credence). 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 3. Day A.

sRPE @7.5
BW - 223

Press - 
-    145X1 @9
-    125X5, 5 @7/8

DB Bench - 65sX11, 7, 6 @9.5/10

GHR - BWX13, 12 @8.5/9.5

Machine Pullovers - X13, 13 @~10

EZ OH Extensions - 55X13, 9, 8 @~10

A little bit more life in my Press today.  Thought about going up, but being patient and letting it come to me a bit to start.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 2. Day C.

sRPE @7.5
BW - 225

Press - 115X3, 3, 3 @~6.5

DB Seated Press - 45sX10, 9 @~10

Chins - 
-    BW+25X1 @9.5*
   BWX3 @8

Adductor Machine - X14, 13 @~10

PJR Pullovers - 45X13, 12, 11 @9.5

*Weighted Chins are definitely aggravating my left forearm.  I hate to have to sideline that lift for a while after spending so much time spent trying to improve it, but I may have to do that to give the tendinopathy time to calm down.

Still the first time I've been able to squeeze in a 3rd session in a couple of weeks, so I'm happy about that.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 2. Day B.

sRPE @6.5
BW - 223

Press - 115X3, 3, 3 @~6.5

Incline DB Raise - 15sX12, 9 @10

-    315X1 @8
-    275X5 @8

Lying DB Curls - 20sX9, 9 @~10

Rope Pushdowns - X15, 13, 11 @10


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 2. Day A.

sRPE @6.5
BW - 224

Press - 
-    145X1 @9.5
-    125X5, 5 @~9

DB Bench - 65sX10, 7 @~10

Roman Chair Squats - BWX12, 9 @~10

Pull-Downs - X10, 8 @10

EZ OH Extensions - 55X13, 8, 8 @~10

Gnarly head cold had me sidelined the last few days, and missed my 3rd training session last week.  Solid return.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Pressin' Out Week 1. Day B.

sRPE @6
BW - 228

Press - 115X3, 3, 3 @6/7

Incline DB Raise - 15sX10, 10 @9/10

ATG Pause Squat -
-    315X1 @9
-    225X5 @6

Rope Bayesian Curls - X11, 10 @10

Rope Pushdowns - X10, 10 @10

Nice little session.  ATG Squats felt surprisingly solid even though they weren't there in the previous session, and I'm currently under the weather.