sRPE @7.5
BW - 207
Deadlift -
375X5 @7.5
355X5, 5, 5 @7/8
Hammer Incline - 120X8, 8, 8 @8/9.5
DB Seated Press -
45sX7 @10
35sX12, 12 @8/9
Standing Calf Raises - X17, 17, 17 @~7/8
375X5 is a 4 Rep PR, and 355 for, effectively, 4X5 is a Volume PR on Deadlift. Top set felt great, but, RPE aside, these back-offs were heavy and hard. Definitely felt like an "earned" Volume PR instead of "I haven't done sets of 13 in a few years, oh look a volume PR." Also, gym is humid as hell right now.
Hammer Inclines felt heavy but also smooth? Avg. RPE was slightly lower than with the same weight last week.
DB Press however cratered. I assume it was a combination of general fatigue from climate and DL plus specific fatigue from the Hammer Inclines, although...why didn't that effect them this much the previous two sessions? I dunno, but my delts were definitely feeling more fatigued heading into DB Press. Maybe I'm just getting more efficient at targeting delts on the Hammer machine.