Quick Review of numbers and thoughts.
Diagnosed Diabetic in Feb.'22
Numbers circa diagnosis:
BW: 218
Squat: 375X1 @8 (e1RM 407.5)
Bench: 212.5X3 @7.5 (255)
Deadlift: 415X1 @7 (470)
Press: 112.5X7 @8 (150)
Chins: BWX7 @8 (285)
Dips: BW+25X8 @7 (342.5)
Curls: 80X6 @10 (100)
Toes-to-Bar: BWX5@8.5 (265)
Maxi-Total: 2275
Conditioning: None
Numbers at the end of LFT Block 1:
BW: 200
Squat: 285X5 @8 (352.5)
Bench: 197.5X2 @7 (230)
Deadlift: 355X5 @8 (440)
Press: 107.5X6 @8 (137.5)
Chins: BWX5 @10 (232.5)
Dips: BW+25X10 @8.5 (325)
Curls: 50X18 @9 (102.5)
Toes-to-Bar: BWX5 @7.5 (250)
Maxi-Total: 2055
Conditioning: 2 sessions LISS (Rower and Airdyne) 1 session HIIT (Rower)
Numbers at the end of LFT Block 2:
BW: 203
Squat: 320X1 @6.5 (365)
Bench: 217.5X1 @7 (245)
Deadlift: 385X1 @6.75 (432.5)
Press: 150X1 @10 (150)
Chins: BWX5 @9.5 (240)
Dips: BW+45X8 @8 (340)
Curls: 50X15 @9.5 (87.5)
Toes-to-Bar: BWX7 @9 (257.5)
Maxi-Total: 2117.5
Conditioning: 2 sessions each LISS and HIIT (alternating Rower/Airdyne)
Big Picture:
First off, my blood sugar is now back in the normal range, and I'm off all blood sugar medications. I'm effectively no longer Diabetic. Huge thanks to Dr. Austin Baraki and Barbell Medicine for their content and consultation on this issue.
From the Diabetes diagnosis to the end of the first block and then the end of the second, I lost 18 lbs. of BW (9%) and regained 3 (1.5%). My maxi-total went down 220 lbs. (11%) and regained 63 (3%).
BW aside, no lifts are stronger now than they were at the time of diagnosis, although all lifts except for Curls are stronger at the end of Block 2 than they were at the end of Block 1.
Generally, I liked these blocks. More than anything the higher volume combined with all the added GPP feels like it has increased my general work capacity. Next block, I will move on to the BBM Powerbuilding I template, and see if I like that.