Saturday, February 18, 2023

Mid-Rep Volume PRs. Week 4. Session C.

sRPE @8
BW - 212

Deadlift - 
385X1 @8
305X9, 9, 9 @6.5/7.5

Cambered Bench - 135X6, 6, 6 @6

Reverse Cambered Bench - 185X19 @9

Pull-Downs (myo-reps) - X15, 5, 5, 4, 4 @10

DB Incline - 50sX11, 11 @7/8

305 for 3X9 is a Volume PR on DL.  My low back was TAHRED after this, and I had to carefully manage the rest of the session, and the rest of my day, as a result.

But the reduced volume on the supplemental lifts still kept sRPE a bit in check.

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