Wednesday, March 29, 2023

High-Rep Volume PRs. Week 4. Session B.

sRPE @6
BW - 214

Chins - BWX6, 6, 3, 3 @9.5/8

Pull-Downs - X8, 8 @~7

Curls - 50X14, 14, 14, 14 @6.5/7

EZ OH Extensions - 50X15, 15 @8/9.5

Rower - LISS; 10 minutes

50 for 4 sets of 14 is a Volume PR on Curls.

Tried out some LISS on the Rower to see how the Achilles would feel.  I felt some twinging at minute 5, and decided to shut it down at minute 10.  BUT no increase in general discomfort afterwards to now (the following morning).  Will start sprinkling it back in a couple times a week and see if I can progress back to HIIT.

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