BW - 206
Squat -
BarX10 (paused)
95X5 (paused)
245X8, 3
High Bars - 185X8, 8
Fronts - 155X5, 5, 5
Lunges - BWX26, 20
245X8 is a Rep PR. My phase goal for the weight is 11 reps, so I'll be back at this weight next week. Felt a bit unmotivated to train today. The 275X1 felt heavier than it has, and looking at the 245 sitting in the rack I felt completely ambivalent. In my mind, I was still shooting for the 11 and maybe 12 reps, but in retrospect I'm happy to walk away with a Rep PR.
Actually, I've been nailing my squat goals so consistently with this program, that I'm actually kind of excited NOT to have made my goal this week, and know I will come back hungry to add reps with this weight next week.
Managed to push the reps up on the High Bars. One way this might go, is to push it to three sets of 8, and then two sets of 10 before upping the weight on these. I'll continue to go by feel.
Thought I'd be able to push the Front Squats as well, but no dice.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
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