Monday, January 20, 2014

Phase 1. Week 8. Accessory

BW - 207

Machine Pullovers -
Warm-up set
Work SetsX14, 8 (straight-weight)

Chins (close, v-grip) - BWX6, 4, 3 (paused at bottom)

Pulldowns (close, netural) - X14, 10, 7 (straight-weight)

Hammer Curls - 25sX18, 12, 12
Preacher Curls - 40ishX14, 12, 10
all curls super-set with
Rope Pushdowns - X22, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 (straight-weight)

Ab Wheel - X10, 10, 10

Felt a touch stronger on everything this week.  Didn't up the weight on anything, but pushed the reps farther on almost every set over last week's numbers.

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