Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Phase 1. Week 10. Bench

BW - 210

Bench -
195X6, 3

Cambered Bench - 135X6, 6, 5

Press - 95X5, 5, 5

Dips - BWX15, 10, 9

Ab Wheel - X10, 10, 10

195X6 is a Rep PR, and my phase goal for this weight so I can move up next week.  Actually, every rep was  Rep PR because I've never benched 195 before.  Awesome to be moving into new territory.

Cambered benching felt a smidge stronger today, but I hate this goddamn exercise.  My legs shake like crazy coming off the chest, and every rep is hard to lock-out.

The good incline bench was occupied today, so I did some OHP.

A 211BWX15 on dips is actually an all-around PR.  Not even looking for that coming in today.  Nice.

3X10 on the Ab Wheel felt really easy today.  If it feels like that on Saturday, I'll push the reps up a touch next week.

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