BW - 208
Machine Pullovers -
warm-up set
worksetsX12, 8 (straight weight, increased from last session)
Chins (close, V-grip) - BWX6, 3, 2 (paused at bottom)
Pulldowns (close-grip) - X12, 8, 6 (straight weight, increased from last session)
Hammer Curls - 25sX15, 12, 10
Prearcher Curls - 40ishX12, 10, 10
all curls super-set with
Rope Pushdowns -
worksetsX15, 15, 12, 12, 14 (straight weight)
Pushed the weight up a bit on the machine lat work. I know that with bodybuilding-style machine work, I can sometimes get content to do the same weightXreps week after week. Have to remind myself to try to take it to a new level periodically and try to establish a stronger base-line.
I've been concerned about my increasing bench lock-out trouble, so I'm adding in triceps work on this day. Looking at my programming the last several weeks, I realize that direct triceps work was missing, and that might be the key. Hopefully.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
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