Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Phase 2. Week 1. Squat

BW - 210

Squat -
BarX10 (paused)
95X5 (paused)

225X14, 5

High Bars - 185X5, 5, 5

Fronts - 155X5, 5, 5

225X14 is an all-around PR and meets my phase goal for this weight.  Moving to the next tier next week.  That's an all-around PR in both squats and deads within a week, and my first all-around PR in both in...well, in well over a year.

Effort left me a little gassed, though, and wasn't able to go above 5 reps on my accessory squats.  1st sets were okay on each movement, but the subsequent sets got pretty slow.

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