Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Phase 1. Week 8. Bench

BW - 208

Bench -

185X7, 4

Cambered Bench - 135X5, 5, 5

Incline Bench - 135X8, 5, 5

Dips - BWX10, 8, 7

Ab Wheel - X10, 10, 10

Still couldn't get 8 reps with 185 which is my phase goal for this weight.  4 reps on the back-off set is more than I've gotten previously, so at least I increased the overall volume.

Cambered Bench still tapping out at 5 reps, dammit.

Pushed the first set of inclines, but the other two were slow.

My bench lockout felt a bit more stable today.  Don't know if that's to do with the triceps work I added on Saturday, but to be on the safe side I'm adding BW dips onto this day as well.  Probably should have from the beginning if I'm being honest, but I didn't want to over-fill the day.

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