Friday, January 17, 2014

Phase 1. Week 8. Deadlift

BW - 212

Deadlift -
135X5, 5

335X4, FAIL

Deficit Deads - 275X5, 5, 5

RDL - 225X8, 8

BB Rows - 135X15, 10

Fought through a head-cold, and had a good session.  335X4 is an all-around PR, and my final phase goal for this weight; so I can move to 345 next week.  I tried to go for a 50% set, but the bar didn't leave the ground, hahahaha.

Deficits were solid, and RDLs even showed some signs of life.

All of a sudden my rows are taking off.  These are still strict, so I don't know why this is happening, but I'm happy about it.  135X15 is a Rep PR.

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