Monday, January 27, 2014

Phase 2. Week 1. Accessory

BW - 208

Machine Pullovers -
warm-up set
work sets X12, 8 (straight-weight; increased over last week)

Chin-ups (overhand) - BWX4, 3, 3 (paused at bottom)

Pulldowns (underhand) -
warm-up set
work sets X12, 8 (straight-weight)

Machine Flyes - X15, 8 (straight-weight)

DB Bench (neutral grip) - 50sX15, 10, 8

Rope Pushdowns - X18, 15, 15, 12, 12 (straight-weight)

Ab Wheel - X10, 10, 10

Forgot how much harder over-hand chins can be.

Moving on to some pec work for this phase.  It took me some time to figure out exactly how I wanted to structure the programming for this 4th day, but, now that I have, the phases probably won't last more than 4-6 weeks.

 Today was more of a feeling out day.  Trying out the pec machine to get a feel for the right weight for a machine I've never used and a movement I haven't done in a long time.  Similarly, wasn't sure how the DB benching would be following the flyes.  Using a neutral grip and keeping my elbows out a bit, and really letting the DBs "sink" at the bottom.  All to try and work the pecs, primarily.  I expect the weight and/or reps will be pushed much further on both movements next week.

All this was done in under 45 minutes.

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