Thursday, March 28, 2013

LRB 365: 100 Reps. Week 5. Conditioning

Hill Sprints - 10 sprints
 First Sprint, max speed - 13.4 seconds

Good to get back out to the hill again now that the weather and my schedule have relaxed a bit.  I really enjoy the 20 minute walk to and from my hill as a combination warm-up/cool-down/empty-my-mind time, plus some days I really push the pace and it doubles as additional steady-state.

The hill is also really soft right now from the accumulated moisture of the winter, but not too muddy either.  When I started walking in the weighted vest, there was still plenty of ice and snow on the sidewalks, plus it was cold, so I was using my winter boots.  Then as the ice retreated but it was still cold I kept using them just on the concrete.  All that has combined to have my feet getting a bit achy the last week or two.  Getting out on the soft hill in running shoes almost felt therapeutic by contrast.

I went as hard as I could on my first sprint and timed it to start getting a base-line to set my progression for the next phase by.  So if I'm reading the program right, for the next phase I should be looking at:

HIIT Hills 13.4
2XWeek Reps       Speed
Week 1 10 17.9
Week 2 10 15.8
Week 3 12 15.8
Week 4 15 16.8
Week 5 15 15.8
Week 6 15 14.9 >

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