Wednesday, March 27, 2013

LRB 365: 100 Reps. Week 5. Bench

BW - 197

Bench -
155X1, 1

Pulldowns - X50, 50

EZ Bar OH Extensions - 28X50, 50
super-set with
EZ Bar Curls - 28X50, 50

Weighted Vest - 35 minutes; walking

I was angry and frustrated when I left work yesterday (mainly with myself), so it was a great time to hit they gym.

Bench was fast and aggressive, and everything had a lot of pop.  Rest times were basically just changing weight plus a couple of breaths.

Upped the weight on the pulldowns to dramatic effect.

Also threw 5s on the 18lb. EZ curl bar.

I was still a bit riled up heading home, but after I threw on the vest and did my walk, everything had sort of fallen away and I was feeling at peace again.

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