Tuesday, March 12, 2013

LRB 365: 100 Reps. Week 3. Bench

BW - 196

Bench -
155X1, 1

Pulldowns - 1 set of 100

EZ Bar OH Extensions - BarX70, 45
superset with
EZ Bar Curls - BarX70, 35

Weighted Vest - 25 minutes walking

Nice session.  Bench was fast and smooth.

Pulldowns were a little rougher this time, but I was using the "other" machine which has no knee brace and the seat is directly under the pulley.  That makes everything sort of awkward, and the muscles at the top of my abdomen and on either side of my sternum are actually a little sore from keeping my torso braced.

The EZ bar I used today was a little lighter.  It's just the one that was nearest, but I weighed it to make sure I wasn't imagining things and it's 2-3 lbs. under the other bar I'd been using.

Wife walked with me this evening.  How much nicer it is to have some company.

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