Tuesday, November 15, 2022

BBM Gen.S+C Block 2. Cycle 4. Session A.

sRPE @7
BW - 208

High Bar Squat - 
300X1 @7
290X3 @8
270X3, 3, 3 @~6.5

Press - 105X6, 6, 6, 6 @6.5

Push Press - 100X3; emom; 10 minutes

Band-Assisted Nordic Curls - BWX6, 6, 6 @6.5/8.5

Rower - HIIT; 16 minutes

Hit last week's top single on High Bar and it felt like a warm-up, so I went up.  Nice little data point in my new approach of hitting the same weights until they feel "easier than they're supposed to."

Press was also slightly easier across the board.

My wrists were feeling a little banged up after HBS (I use a narrow, thumbs-around grip on that variant) and Press.  So I controlled the eccentric a bit more on the Push Presses.  It actually felt better in general to do them that way, so I'll switch over to that.  Who knows, maybe I'll trigger a smidge more hypertrophy with the slower eccentric.

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