Monday, August 30, 2021

Group Training. Session 2.

 sRPE @6

Squats -
345X2 @7
237.5X10 @4.5

BB Curls - 75X9, 9, 9, 9 @~8

DB Bench - 60'sX9/14 @6/9.5

Nice progress with the group training.  We added one more person, and had a bit more focus this session with 3/4 Squatting and 2/4 Benching.

For me, Squatting was a mixed bag as their bar doesn't have center knurling and we had to wrap masking tape around it to keep it from rolling down my back.  Their floor is a bit uneven (made the walkout wonky), and their rack and hooks aren't great (had to get the bar guided in every time to make sure I didn't lose a finger).  Top set was still right where I targeted for this session, and back-off work was actually much easier than expected.  Likely a result of Squatting first in the session instead of third.

75 for 4X9 is a Volume PR on curls.  Wasn't sure that would be there not doing them in first in the session. 

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