Saturday, July 6, 2013

LRB 365: LRB Split. Week 3. Back - Light

BW - 194

225X5, 5, 9

Pulldowns - X20, 20, 20, 20, 22 (to a top set/weight)

Hypers - BWX30, 25, 25, 22

Curl Machine - X20, 25, 30 (to a top set/weight)

McGill sit-ups - 35, 40, 40, 35, 30

Another solid session.  225X9 is an all-around PR on RDLs.  Close to needing straps though, which sucks. 

Really felt the pulldowns in my lats during the session.  Nice, but not sure why.

Want to push hypers extra hard.  Last couple times, I'd been stopping each set when my back started to fail.  This time I would pause, take a breath or two, and go for more.  Double the reps per set.

Started lighter and made  bigger jumps on the curl machine.  Seemed to improve the quality of the top set.

Was feeling paranoid about my spine so I did McGill style sit-ups.

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