Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Block 8. Cycle 3. Session C.

BW - 227

Waist - 42.75"

Deadlift -
370X1 @8
270X12, 12 @7/7.5

GHR (Myo-Reps; 30 sec. rest) -
BWX18, 5, 5, 5, 5, 7 @8/8

sRPE @7

Nice session.

Top set on the DL moved up a touch, but the rep strength seemed to increase a bit more than that.  Acclimation to the programming, etc., I'm sure.  While target RPE is 8, I didn't feel the need to go up this week since I was already adding 10 lbs. to last week's weight.

GHR is also getting pretty well acclimated.  My low back felt fairly worked after DL; not a pump, but more of a...kind of light poking sensation.  So I was a little on edge going into these, as I'm doing them with a bit of flexion.  However, I still added reps to the activation set, and on the final myo-rep set I ended up repping it out a bit more without even thinking about it because they were feeling so easy.  Once I hit 20 reps on the activation set, I will adjust the settings on the bench to be more difficult.

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