Monday, October 21, 2019

Block 8. Cycle 5. Session D. and Cycle 6. Session A.


BW - 226

Waist - 43"

sRPE @ 7

Chin-Ups -
BW+22.5 X4, 3, 3, 2 @~10
BWX5 X9.5

Rack Chins (Myo-Reps; 30 sec. rest) - BWX8, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 @~9

Dips -
BW+30X8 @9
BWX12 @9

Rope Push-Downs - X16 @10

BB Curls -
72.5X8, 8 @8.5/10
65X10 @9.5


BW - 226

Waist - 43"

sRPE @ 8

Squat -
360X1 @
285X12, 12 @7.75,8.5

Leg Press (Myo-Reps; 30 sec. rest) - 5ppsX10, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 @~8

Two interesting sessions.

Weighted Chins rep strength appears to have jumped a bit.  Chin-Ups in general are feeling more "in control."  No joy on the rack chin volume work.

Added more weight on dips, but e1RM actually went down.  We'll see what happens.

Curls maybe ticked up a tiny bit.

Squat strength on the 1@8 dropped dramatically, but this was also training on a Sunday morning, which is generally my worst time for training.  And I added 10 lbs. to the back-off sets of 12 at comparable RPE to last week.  I knew high-rep strength gains were outpacing low rep on this block, but I was surprised to have a session where they moved so dramatically in opposite directions.

I added another plate-per-side to the Leg Press, but it seems like a bigger jump than I wanted.  Will probably drop down to a 25-per-side next session to keep the reps a bit higher.

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