Thursday, October 17, 2019

Block 8. Cycle 5. Session C.

BW - 226

Waist - 42.75"

sRPE @8

Deadlift -
380X1 @8
290X12, 12 @7.5, 8.5

GHR - (Myo-Reps; 30 sec. rest) - BWX20, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6 @7/8

Nice session.

My low back was bothering me to various degrees the prior three days, but even thought it felt okay on this day, I did have some trepidation going into this DL session.

Everything ended up going well!  Technically this was the smallest perceived increase in DL strength of the cycle, but DL has been gaining far faster than the other lifts in general, so in some ways this may just be a return to the overall mean.

Also added some reps on the activation set on GHR, so it's time to increase difficulty somehow.  There's a few options I could choose. 

The seemingly most obvious would be to add weight, but I'm not eager to mess with BBs, DBs, KBs, etc. with this particular movement.  I could use chains, but I've only got a few chains available at the gym, and that would make it harder to dial-in specific loading out of the gate.

Another option would be to add in a pause under tension somewhere.  I've been doing these coming all the way down with a little bit of spinal flexion at the bottom.  I personally think the best place to do that would be at the midpoint where the spine and hips have extended, but the knees haven't started flexing.  That would make the final "leg curl" portion much more difficult by removing any trace momentum from the bottom of the movement.  However, because I'm using an Emerging Strategies approach, this would be perceived in a change in movement variation that would muddy my data.

Instead, I think I'm just going to adjust the GHR to something that feels a bit more difficult.  I've had the cross-bar on the lowest setting, so I'll try moving it up a notch next week and see what that does.

Lots of text for something I don't even video.

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