Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Small Session. Arms.

Hammer Curls - 30sX12, 12, 9
super-set with
Rope Push-Downs - X10, 12, 10 (to a top set)

Machine Preacher Curls - X9, 7, 6 (straight-weight)
super-set with
Cable One-Arm Side Push-Downs - X10, 10 (to a top set)

Dips - BWX10

DB Bicep Curls - 30sX8, 6, 5
super-set with
DB Lying Extensions - 30sX10, 7, 7

I'm moving my big compound lifts to Full Body, 3X/week, and I'm adding in a couple of smaller sessions at the gym in my office building in between.  This was the first of those.

I forgot there was a chin/dip station at this gym and so I programmed in these weird side push-downs to try and get a similar plane of motion.  They actually felt alright, but if I can do real dips, I'd prefer that for now.

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