BW - 211
Machine Pullovers -
Warm-up set
Work Sets X13, 8 (straight-weight; same weight as last week)
Chins (overhand) - BWX4, 3, 2 (paused at top and bottom)
Pulldowns (underhand) - X15, 11, 9 (straight-weight; same weight as last week)
Machine Flyes -
Warm-up set
Work Sets X15, 10 (straight-weight; same weight as last week)
DB Bench (neutral grip; elbows out) - 50sX18, 12, 9
Rope Pushdowns - X20, 15, 15, 15, 15 (straight-weight; same weight as last week)
Ab Wheel - X12, 12, 12
Felt weak today, but managed to push everything to or past the same volume per movement as last week.
Have to decide whether this will have been the last week of chest focus on this day. I originally set up the Accessory day to be: 1) Lats, 2) bodypart 'X' on a 4 week rotation, 3) Abs. Awhile back, I also added in Light Triceps to help with my bench. This was the 4th week of pec focus, but I'm thinking I'll go with it for another week or two until I've got my 225 bench in the books. 4 weeks may not be ideal anyway. I did biceps previously while I was settling into this format, and that went on for 8 weeks, but that seems to long. The plan has also been to alternate biceps in every other cycle since there is not other direct biceps work in the program. So, once I finish with pecs I'll go back to that. I think.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
3 days ago
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