Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Phase 1. Week 2. Bench

BW - 210 (and a great Thanksgiving it was, too)

Bench -

175X10, 4

Cambered Bar Bench - 155X4, 3, 3

Incline - 155X3, 3, 3, 5

175X10 is an all-around PR and right at my goal for this weight.  Generally, I would like to beat the goal before moving up, but I hit this without a spotter, and with my low-back strain from last week still making itself known.  So I'm certain I could have gotten at least 1 more.

Upped the weight on the cambered bar bench now that I've tried it out once.  Reps had to come down a notch, but I'm going to leave it here and try to push them back up to sets of 5.

Incline felt a little bit stronger this week.  Really got into a groove on my 3rd set, so I added an extra set and was able to push that to 5.  155X5 is a Rep PR.

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