Monday, December 16, 2013

Phase 1. Week 3. Accessory

BW - 206

Press -
115X6, 4

Chin-ups (close, v-grip) - BWX5, 3, 3, 3 (all paused at bottom)

Close-Grip Pulldowns - 2 sets of 10

Hammer Curls - 35sX14, 10, 8

Decent session.

115X6 ties a Rep PR, and was my goal for this weight.  Moving up next week.

The chins were all paused at the bottom, but weren't "dead-hang."  I kept my my scapula retracted and my elbows slightly bent at the bottom.

Tried some strict CG pulldowns to see how my lats would feel the next day.  Results are indeterminate.  I'm contemplating changing this day up a little bit to be a bit more of a body-building style lat day after the OHPs.  Meaning I might cut out chins for a while, or minimize their place in my lat training.

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