BW - 209
Deadlift -
305X3, 3, 3
Deficit Deads - 275X3, 3
RDL - 225X3, 3
BB Row - 135X10
All strap-less. I can't remember for sure, but I think I only used mixed grip on the 275X2 set of Deads, and on both the deficit sets.
The 315 and 305 sets were way slower off the floor than I expected. For now, I'm going to assume I need to re-acclimate to the movement after barely touching it through 12 weeks of the Big-15. I will stay at 305 for my back-off sets until I'm satisfied with the speed on both those and the top single at 315.
Regarding my speed off the floor, it's convenient that I already had deficit deads programmed in here. When I sat this up to have 3 heavy assistance movements on Deadlift day, I wasn't sure how many sets of each, so I limited it for this session to see what I had left in the tank by the end. Based on this session, and my need for bottom-end work, I will add at least one more set to the deficits moving forward, and possibly more.
My hamstrings feel decently tight/sore today, so I'm going to leave the RDLs at 2 sets for now. However, I may end up moving the rows to another day so I can do more quality volume, in which case I will add another set of RDLs here.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
3 days ago
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