Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Chins, Adductors, Pecs, Biceps

sRPE @7.5
BW - 223

Chin-Up End Partials w/ Straps- BWX9, 7, 6, 5 @9.5/10

Adductor Machine - X18, 14, 13, 13 @9.5/10

Machine Flyes - X14, 13, 11, 11 @10
super-set with
Swiss Bar Curls - 
25X16 @7
45X10, 8, 8 @9.5/10

No Biceps DOMS because of programming change + using my preferred Chin Up station resulted in a much better all around performance this week.

Gym was busy and didn't have a good spot to do Copenhagens, so just jumped on the Adductor machine.

Lower stress movements/session all around.  Didn't plan for that, but am also fine with it.

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