Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Chins, Adductors, Pecs, Biceps

sRPE @6.5
BW - 223

Chins - BWX6, 5, 4, 3 @10

Adductor Machine - X20, 20, 18 @6/8

Machine Flyes - X11, 10, 8, 7 @10
super-set with
DB Curls - 30sX12, 9, 8, 7 @10

Not the performance I was hoping for out of the gate on Chins.  We'll see how the rest of this wave goes, and then I've got one more idea for a "Total War, Brother" approach to Chins, and then I may retire this lift from my regular goals.  Frustrating because my lats, etc. have noticeably hypertrophied over the last year+, but performance on this movement never really improves.

Adductor Machine performance weirdly surged on this day.  So that's...a win?

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