Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Press, DL, Back, Triceps

sRPE @8.5
BW - 222

Press Paused at Forehead -
-    up to 150X1 (PR) @10
-    115X3, 3, 3 @7/8

SLDL Touch-n-Go - 225X5, 5, 5, 5 @6.5/8

Band Chins - Band Under FootX7, 6, 5, 4 @9.5/10
super-set with
Standing BB OH Extensions - 45X12, 10, 9, 9 @~10

Press out on the Pause Press top single was sloooow.  Almost looks like I've got a second sticking point right before lockout.  Upped the weight on the back-offs, and that felt good because it forced me to a be a bit more disciplined with technique than last week.

I've been enjoying ATG Squats recently as my main Squat movement, so I thought I'd start messing around with SLDL.  These were done with a belt and mixed grip.  A good starting point for a movement I've rarely ever trained.

12 years since I did OH Extensions with a straight bar, lol.  It is challenging to keep good upper arm position with a regular barbell.

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