Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Squat, Pullups, Triceps

sRPE @8
BW - 222

Squat - 
-    up to 385X1 @9
-    315X1, 1, 1 @6/7

Pull-Ups - BWX5, 4, 4 @10

Pull-Downs /w rest-pause partials - X13/7, 8/4 @10

1-Arm DB Incline Extensions - 15X14, 13, 11 @~10

+30 lbs. on Squat over last week.  Got good sleep over the weekend, and temperature and humidity in the gym weren't too bad.  Bounce out of the hole felt on point in warm-ups, and that's when I was pretty sure I would have a good day.

That's a 1055 gym total from last week's Bench session to today.  That's 20#s over what I think was my past, best week of SBD.  Also, a 301.7 DOTS?  I've never really tracked that.  My best DOTS in competition was 268.4.

1-arm DB Incline extensions felt most comfortable of all the variations so far.  Not sure if that's just getting acclimated or not.  I'll try it with the EZ bar again next week and see if they feel easier than previous or not.

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