Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Rows, Legs, Pecs, Triceps

 sRPE @8
BW - 225

Hanging BB Rows - 195X5, 5, 5, 5 @8/9

Leg Press - 3ppsX13, 11, 8, 9 @9.5/10

Pec Deck Flyes - X10, 10, 10, 10 ~10
super-set with
Cable Pushdowns - X20, 13, 11, 10 @10

First time doing BB rows in 6 months.  Feels like I got the weight about right to start.  Would like to see if I can push the first set for a 5 rep PR over 3 weeks.

I felt like my work capacity was going up at the end of the last block, so I'm gong to try upping supplement and accessory work to 4 sets each on average instead of 3. I also shortened rest periods last block to ~2 minutes, so it doesn't really take that much extra time.

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