Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Dips, Good Mornings, Curls, Shoulders

sRPE @8
BW - 225

Bench Dips - BW+35# Chain X16, 11, 10, 9 @~10

Buffalo Bar Straight-Leg Seated Good Mornings -
-    135X11, 12, 11, 10 @8/9.5

1-Arm Behind-the-Back Cable Curls - X12, 9, 9, 8 @10
super-set with
1-Arm Behind-the-Back Laterals - X10, 9, 8, 8 @10

Really nice 3 week wave on Bench Dips.  All reps here are nice and deep with a slight pause at the bottom.  Moving on to Machine Dips in the next wave where I will target increasing weight in the 8-12 rep range before moving on to full dips in the last wave.

Wanted to do something hamstring-y for DL assistance, but didn't really know what.  I've done my go-to RDLs and GHRs in the last couple of weeks so I wanted something different.  Seated Leg Curls seemed to "small" for the 2nd movement of the day, but Deficit DLs seemed a bit too intense.  In the end, I came up with one of the more "conjugate" things I've ever tried.  I think this is my first time really using the Buffalo Bar, this is my first time doing Seated GMs, and I also put my feet up on a calf-stretch board so that they wouldn't slip out from under me when I was pushing into the floor.  Waiting to see what feels most sore from these today or tomorrow!

Speaking of soreness, long-ROM cable curls and laterals never disappoint.

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