Saturday, July 27, 2024

Press, Deadlift, Back, Triceps

sRPE @8
BW - 223

Swiss Bar Press - 
-    up to 150X1 @10
-    100X6, 6, 6 @6/7

RDL w/Straps -
-    up to 275X6 @9.5
-    225X8, 7, 6 @9/10

DB Pullovers - 50X9, 10, 9, 8 @7/10
super-set with
DB Incline Extensions - 30X16, 12, 10, 10 @9/10

It will be interesting to see how the Swiss Bar translates to my straight bar pressing in the coming weeks.  The setup and and initial press is more difficult with this bar so theoretically I could be stronger on a straight bar. This is "only" 15 lbs. off my best Press, but that's still a gulf for the Press.

Thinking I may alternate RDL with ATG Squats each week through the rest of this block.  Work that stretch.

I just heard, on the walk to the gym, Eric Helms talking about how agonist and peripheral super-sets don't perform particularly well in studies, and hear I went and did a peripheral super-set of lat pullovers and incline extensions.  Meh.  Actually looking forward to the DOMS.

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