Saturday, June 29, 2024

Deadlift, Hips, Pecs, Curls

sRPE @8
BW - 223

Deadlift - 
-    up to 425X1 @9.5
-    365X1, 1, 1 @~8

Little Hipper -
-    GHR - BWX12, 12, 10 @~10
super-set with
-    Copenhagen Planks - BWX19, 14, 13 @9/10

DB Flye Partials - 15sX13, 11, 8 @10
super-set with
Lying DB Curl Partials - 15sX13, 9, 7 @~10

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Bench, Legs, Back

sRPE @7.5
BW - 226

Bench - 
-    up to 245X1 @10
-    205X1, 1, 1 @6/7.5

BFE Split Squats - BWX13, 12, 12 @9/10

Cable Rows - X17, 14, 13 @10

Cable Rear Delt Flyes - X11, 9, 7 @10

This is where my Bench tested out at the end of the last block.  Hopeful to see some improvement over the next two weeks.

Both-Fee-Elevated Split Squats are awesome.  Real Real rubber-izer.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Squat, Pullups, Triceps

sRPE @8
BW - 224

Squat - 
-    up to 355X1 @9
-    315X1, 1, 1 @6/7

Pull-Ups - BWX5, 4, 4 @~10

Pull-Downs w/ rest-pause partials - X12/7@10

EZ Incline Extensions - 35X17, 16, 15 @~10

Not ideal conditions as I was low on sleep, working out in the morning on no food, and gym was swampy.  I would have liked to have done better on comp squat than last week's pause squat, but oh well.  I have a couple of weeks to see if I can make some jumps.

Unassisted Pull-Ups are about 2 reps stronger than they were when I tested them at the beginning of this block, so that's nice.

Incline Extensions with the EZ bar were interesting.  Harder than with a single DB, but easier than with a cable attachment.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Deficit DL, Pecs, Legs

sRPE @8
BW - 223

Deficit DL - 
-    up to 410X1(PR) @ 9
-    375X3(PR) @8.5
-    315X3, 3 @~6

DB Bench - 50sX15, 12 @~10
Machine Flyes - X10 @10

Leg Accessory Supersets -
-    Seated Leg Curls - X15, 11, 11 @9/10
-    Machine Adduction - X13, 13, 11 @9/10
-    Leg Extensions - X8, 10, 10 @9/10

Really didn't think I was going to be able to get a PR single on Deficit pulls this block.  I was thinking a lot about starting position and how to initiate the pull on the way to the gym, and possibly some things came together at the right time.

Been hitting triceps pretty consistently, and wanted to give pecs some love before I head into a comp bench wave.

I've started getting an itch to work leg curls, so moving downstream from Big Hippers to...Thigh Blasters?

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Close-Grip Bench, Leg Press, Rows

sRPE @7
BW - 224

Close-Grip Bench - 
-    up to 245X1(PR) @10
-    215X3(PR) @9
-    185X3, 3 @~7

Leg Press - 3ppsX11, 11, 10 @9/10

CS Rows - 115X11, 10, 9 @9/10

Two more PRs to close out the wave of close grips.  Hopefully translates to good things for comp bench next wave.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Pause Squats, Pull-Ups, Triceps

sRPE @8
BW - 223

Pause Squat - 
-    up to 355X1(PR) @9
-    300X3(PR) @8.5
-    275X3, 3 @~7

Band Pull-Ups - Avg.Band Under KneeX6, 6, 4 @9/10

Machine Pullovers w/ rest-pause partials - X17/12 @9.5

DB Incline Extensions - 20X13, 16, 15 @8/10

A very successful Pause Squat wave.  We'll see how it translates to comp Squat starting next week.

Took some doing to get in a position on the adjustable benches where I could do smooth reps on incline extensions without hitting something.  Once I did, they are starting to feel more stable.  Lots of room for these to improve.  Unlike OH Extensions, these don't really ever feel relaxed at the bottom because of tension at the shoulder.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Deficit DL, Hips, Dips

sRPE @7.5
BW - 225

Deficit DL - 
-    up to 395X1 @9.5
-    370X3(PR) @9
-    315X3, 3 @~6

Big Hipper Supersets - 
-    Machine Knee Raise - X13, 12, 11 @10
-    Hypers - BWX13, 13, 13 @~10
-    Adductor Machine - X13, 14, 15 @10

Machine Dips - 135X15, 13, 10 @9/10

This time around with Deficits, it's been a challenge getting into good starting position and maintaining it below the knees.  Managed to go a bit heavier this week and also pull a PR triple, but it's the most challenging of the 3 main lift variations this wave.

Built up a lot of fatigue on DLs, so did the lowest fatigue movements on hip supersets.

Forgot to do curls dagnabbit. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Close-Grip Bench, Belt Squats, Upper Back

sRPE @7
BW - 226

CG Bench - 
-    up to 235X1(PR) @9.5
-    210X3(PR) @8
-    185X3, 3 @6.5

Belt Squat - 
-    105X10, 10 @7/8
-    140X6 @9

Upper Back Attack - 
-    Cable Rear Delt Rows - X17, 17, 13 @9/10
-    Cable Rows - X15, 14, 11 @10
-    Cable Retractions - X12, 11, 10 @9/10

A couple of nice PRs on CG Bench.  The Data Driven Strength guys recently put out 3 new RPE charts based on recent studies.  I initially copied over the "Average Rep Capacity" chart for my use, but after the last couple of sessions, I've revised to the "Low Rep Capacity" as it seems to line up better with how my heavy singles compare to my heavy triples.  

I've always fucking hated Belt Squat.  I was always trying to do them and maintain BB Squat position with a high chest etc.  I recently saw videos of Mike Israetel doing them for bodybuilding where his upper body was somewhat relaxed, he was holding onto the bars, and was just trying to go as deep as possible.  More like a Hack Squat or a Leg Press.  I tried that out today and it felt GREAT.  Couldn't use as much weight because of the longer ROM, but very happy to have another tool for training legs that I actually might like!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Pause Squats, Pull-Ups, Triceps

sRPE @7.5
BW - 225

Pause Squat -
-    up to 350X1(PR) @9
-    295X3(PR) @7.5
-    275X3, 3 @6.5

Band Pull-Ups - Avg. Band under kneeX6, 5, 5 @~10

Machine Pullovers w/ rest-pause partials - X15, 13 @~10

Cable Incline Extensions - X13, 9, 10 @~10

Felt pretty confident after last week that I would be able to grab a couple of Pause Squat PRs.  However, the 295X3 was a bit tougher than I'd have liked, so I dropped back to 275 for the remaining back-offs.

I don't do incline triceps extension very often because whenever I do, they feel weirdly unstable and challenging.  Wondering if I should just back the weight off and see if I can get to a point where multiple variations feel stable and smooth.  

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Deficit DL, Hips, Dips, Curls

sRPE @8
BW - 225

Deficit Deadlift - 
-    up to 385X1 @9
-    315X3, 3, 3 @~7

"Big Hipper" Supersets -
-    Hanging Hip and Flexed Knee Raise - BWX8, 7, 6 @8.5/10
-    GHR - BWX15, 13, 11 @7/10
-    Copenhagen Planks - BWX15, 13, 14 @7/10

Dips - BWX7, 7, 7 @~9
super-set with
Lying DB Curls - 15sX12, 10, 10 @9/10

Deficit DLs always take some getting acclimated to when I haven't done them for a while.  Figuring out belt placement for reasonable comfort, getting the starting position right, etc.  Back-off sets are helpful for this.

Still felt fresh enough afterwards to do some of the bigger "Big Hipper" movements.  Also gym was empty enough that I could use the benches by the Belt Squat for Copenhagens which is my preferred spot.

Dips were weak.  Late in the session, so ok, but weak.  

Friday, June 7, 2024

Closed-Grip Bench, Hack Squats, Upper Back

sRPE @7.5
BW - 224

Close-Grip Bench - 
-    up to 225X1 @9
-    185X3, 3, 3 @~7

Machine Flies w/ rest-pause partials - X10/10 @10

Hack Squats - 1ppsX12, 11, 10 @~8

Upper Back Attack - 
-    CS Rear Delt Rows w/ rest-pause partials - 45X18/11, 14/11 @10
-    CS Rows w/ rest-pause partials - 100X11/7, 10/6 @10
-    CS Scapular Retractions - 100X11, 10, 10 @10

225 ties my previous CG Bench PR.  Not a bad place to start the wave.

Hack Squats felt fresher than usual today for some reason.

I realized I was doing "Upper Back Attack" and "Big Hippers" on Fridays when I wasn't also Deadlifting on that day.  Now that I'm pulling at the end of the week, I thought it might save me some intra-session fatigue to move the upper back work to Bench day, and put Biceps on DL day instead.  We'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Pause Squats, Pull-Ups, Triceps

sRPE @ 8
BW - 224

Pause Squats -
-    up to 325X1 @8
-    275X3, 3, 3 @6.5/7.5

Band Pull-Ups - Avg.Band Under KneeX5, 5, 4 @9/10

Machine Pull-Overs w/ Rest-Pause - X18/7 @10

Pushdowns w/ Rest-Pause Partials - X14/8, 13/5 @10

Sleep has been rough, and humidity is high so I didn't really want to do any of this today.  But Pause Squats felt good.  Kept elbows down and chest up, but still need to stay back on my heels better.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sumo DL, Upper Back, Dips

sRPE @8
BW - 224

Sumo DL - 
-    up to 365X1 @8.5
-    315X6, 6, 4* @6/7

Cable Rear Delt Laterals - X10, 9, 7 @10

Cable Rows - X15, 14, 10 @9/10

Bench Dips - BWX15, 16, 14 @9/10

*started getting some glute discomfort on the last Sumo back-off set, so I cut the set short.

A little low energy training on a Saturday early afternoon, and with the glute issue, decided not to do the "big hippers."