Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Pause Squats, Pull-Ups, Triceps

sRPE @ 8
BW - 224

Pause Squats -
-    up to 325X1 @8
-    275X3, 3, 3 @6.5/7.5

Band Pull-Ups - Avg.Band Under KneeX5, 5, 4 @9/10

Machine Pull-Overs w/ Rest-Pause - X18/7 @10

Pushdowns w/ Rest-Pause Partials - X14/8, 13/5 @10

Sleep has been rough, and humidity is high so I didn't really want to do any of this today.  But Pause Squats felt good.  Kept elbows down and chest up, but still need to stay back on my heels better.

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