Monday, June 24, 2024

Squat, Pullups, Triceps

sRPE @8
BW - 224

Squat - 
-    up to 355X1 @9
-    315X1, 1, 1 @6/7

Pull-Ups - BWX5, 4, 4 @~10

Pull-Downs w/ rest-pause partials - X12/7@10

EZ Incline Extensions - 35X17, 16, 15 @~10

Not ideal conditions as I was low on sleep, working out in the morning on no food, and gym was swampy.  I would have liked to have done better on comp squat than last week's pause squat, but oh well.  I have a couple of weeks to see if I can make some jumps.

Unassisted Pull-Ups are about 2 reps stronger than they were when I tested them at the beginning of this block, so that's nice.

Incline Extensions with the EZ bar were interesting.  Harder than with a single DB, but easier than with a cable attachment.

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