Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Pause Squats, Pull-Ups, Triceps

sRPE @8
BW - 223

Pause Squat - 
-    up to 355X1(PR) @9
-    300X3(PR) @8.5
-    275X3, 3 @~7

Band Pull-Ups - Avg.Band Under KneeX6, 6, 4 @9/10

Machine Pullovers w/ rest-pause partials - X17/12 @9.5

DB Incline Extensions - 20X13, 16, 15 @8/10

A very successful Pause Squat wave.  We'll see how it translates to comp Squat starting next week.

Took some doing to get in a position on the adjustable benches where I could do smooth reps on incline extensions without hitting something.  Once I did, they are starting to feel more stable.  Lots of room for these to improve.  Unlike OH Extensions, these don't really ever feel relaxed at the bottom because of tension at the shoulder.

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