Saturday, June 8, 2024

Deficit DL, Hips, Dips, Curls

sRPE @8
BW - 225

Deficit Deadlift - 
-    up to 385X1 @9
-    315X3, 3, 3 @~7

"Big Hipper" Supersets -
-    Hanging Hip and Flexed Knee Raise - BWX8, 7, 6 @8.5/10
-    GHR - BWX15, 13, 11 @7/10
-    Copenhagen Planks - BWX15, 13, 14 @7/10

Dips - BWX7, 7, 7 @~9
super-set with
Lying DB Curls - 15sX12, 10, 10 @9/10

Deficit DLs always take some getting acclimated to when I haven't done them for a while.  Figuring out belt placement for reasonable comfort, getting the starting position right, etc.  Back-off sets are helpful for this.

Still felt fresh enough afterwards to do some of the bigger "Big Hipper" movements.  Also gym was empty enough that I could use the benches by the Belt Squat for Copenhagens which is my preferred spot.

Dips were weak.  Late in the session, so ok, but weak.  

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