Friday, June 21, 2024

Deficit DL, Pecs, Legs

sRPE @8
BW - 223

Deficit DL - 
-    up to 410X1(PR) @ 9
-    375X3(PR) @8.5
-    315X3, 3 @~6

DB Bench - 50sX15, 12 @~10
Machine Flyes - X10 @10

Leg Accessory Supersets -
-    Seated Leg Curls - X15, 11, 11 @9/10
-    Machine Adduction - X13, 13, 11 @9/10
-    Leg Extensions - X8, 10, 10 @9/10

Really didn't think I was going to be able to get a PR single on Deficit pulls this block.  I was thinking a lot about starting position and how to initiate the pull on the way to the gym, and possibly some things came together at the right time.

Been hitting triceps pretty consistently, and wanted to give pecs some love before I head into a comp bench wave.

I've started getting an itch to work leg curls, so moving downstream from Big Hippers to...Thigh Blasters?

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