Friday, June 7, 2024

Closed-Grip Bench, Hack Squats, Upper Back

sRPE @7.5
BW - 224

Close-Grip Bench - 
-    up to 225X1 @9
-    185X3, 3, 3 @~7

Machine Flies w/ rest-pause partials - X10/10 @10

Hack Squats - 1ppsX12, 11, 10 @~8

Upper Back Attack - 
-    CS Rear Delt Rows w/ rest-pause partials - 45X18/11, 14/11 @10
-    CS Rows w/ rest-pause partials - 100X11/7, 10/6 @10
-    CS Scapular Retractions - 100X11, 10, 10 @10

225 ties my previous CG Bench PR.  Not a bad place to start the wave.

Hack Squats felt fresher than usual today for some reason.

I realized I was doing "Upper Back Attack" and "Big Hippers" on Fridays when I wasn't also Deadlifting on that day.  Now that I'm pulling at the end of the week, I thought it might save me some intra-session fatigue to move the upper back work to Bench day, and put Biceps on DL day instead.  We'll see how it goes.

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