Friday, June 14, 2024

Close-Grip Bench, Belt Squats, Upper Back

sRPE @7
BW - 226

CG Bench - 
-    up to 235X1(PR) @9.5
-    210X3(PR) @8
-    185X3, 3 @6.5

Belt Squat - 
-    105X10, 10 @7/8
-    140X6 @9

Upper Back Attack - 
-    Cable Rear Delt Rows - X17, 17, 13 @9/10
-    Cable Rows - X15, 14, 11 @10
-    Cable Retractions - X12, 11, 10 @9/10

A couple of nice PRs on CG Bench.  The Data Driven Strength guys recently put out 3 new RPE charts based on recent studies.  I initially copied over the "Average Rep Capacity" chart for my use, but after the last couple of sessions, I've revised to the "Low Rep Capacity" as it seems to line up better with how my heavy singles compare to my heavy triples.  

I've always fucking hated Belt Squat.  I was always trying to do them and maintain BB Squat position with a high chest etc.  I recently saw videos of Mike Israetel doing them for bodybuilding where his upper body was somewhat relaxed, he was holding onto the bars, and was just trying to go as deep as possible.  More like a Hack Squat or a Leg Press.  I tried that out today and it felt GREAT.  Couldn't use as much weight because of the longer ROM, but very happy to have another tool for training legs that I actually might like!

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