Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Pause Squats, Pull-Ups, Triceps

sRPE @7.5
BW - 225

Pause Squat -
-    up to 350X1(PR) @9
-    295X3(PR) @7.5
-    275X3, 3 @6.5

Band Pull-Ups - Avg. Band under kneeX6, 5, 5 @~10

Machine Pullovers w/ rest-pause partials - X15, 13 @~10

Cable Incline Extensions - X13, 9, 10 @~10

Felt pretty confident after last week that I would be able to grab a couple of Pause Squat PRs.  However, the 295X3 was a bit tougher than I'd have liked, so I dropped back to 275 for the remaining back-offs.

I don't do incline triceps extension very often because whenever I do, they feel weirdly unstable and challenging.  Wondering if I should just back the weight off and see if I can get to a point where multiple variations feel stable and smooth.  

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