Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Med.-Rep Volume PRs. Week 1. Session A.

sRPE @6
BW - 224

Squats - 
275X1 @4
225X6, 6, 6, 6 @4/3

Press - 95X3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 @4/5.5

JM Press - 70X14, 14 @~7.5

Schedule should somewhat stabilize from here through the winter holidays.  Decided to drop intensity way down and hit the full, programmed volume.  If I'm ready for, or acclimate quickly to, this volume at this low of intensity, then I can likely start to ramp intensity up to target fairly quickly.  From there, I'll just have to see if my normal time-to-peak for a given cycle "starts" here and gives me a 4-6 week runway, or if having done a version of this for several weeks already limits my TTP, and I hit the wall in 4 weeks or less.

Squat was interesting today because the back-off sets got easier set-to-set.  That happens sometimes in a regular Week 1, so I'm hopeful that's a sign.

JM Press was also way easier today despite adding reps over the previous session.  Maybe a combination of diminished general fatigue from my time off, lower weights on the preceding Press sets, and acclimation to the movement.

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