Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Med.-Rep Volume PRs. Week 0.75. Session C.

sRPE @6
BW - 224

Bench - 
215X1 @7.5
185X6, 6 @6/8

Toes-to-Bar - BWX4, 4 @6.5/7

Reverse Safety Bar Box Squats ("Eliminators") - 210X4, 4 @7/8

Rower - HIIT; 8 rounds / 14 minutes

Bench strength dipped significantly this week.  I think I can begin to approximate normal training next week, or for sure the week after.

I think I'll drop the weights on the PLs back about 20 lbs. and try to add the volume back in quickly.  I should be able to hit some 4X6 PRs on Bench and DL pretty quickly once I'm acclimated to the Volume.  For Squat we'll just have to see how long I go before I start to plateau.

8 weeks is the longest I've pushed it since I started structuring my blocks Mike T-style.  Lately I've been hitting the wall around 5-6 weeks.  But I've been cruising at this lower volume/lower frequency for ~3 weeks already and I have no idea how my body will react when I increase both within the same cycle.

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