Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Block 18 (Exploratory). Cycle 2. Session A.

sRPE @6
BW - 219

Curls - 65X6, 12 @6.5/10

Bench - 
205X1 @6
155X13 @8
Machine Flyes - X10 @10

Deadlift - 
395X1 @~6
275X10 @~5

SSB Pause Squat - 180X9, 9 @~7

As usual, curls made a big jump in week 2.  One of the great things about curls always seeming to make a big jump in week 2, is that it seems to be independent of the drop-off between cycles.  Hopefully, in the next two blocks, using the data I've compiled over the last couple of years, I can get less of a drop-off between cycles,  AND get above average increases cycle-to-cycle.

These SSB Pause Squats are ass-to-grass.  Very bodybuilder-y and fun.  I am looking to push these closer to failure, but today the second set was actually easier than the first.  There's some acclimation to get through here before I'll really be able to push them.

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