Thursday, November 11, 2021

Block 17. Cycle 7. Session B.

sRPE @5
BW - 215

Bench - 245X1 @10

Chin-Ups - BWX10 @10

Squat - 365X1 @8.5

DB Curls -
40sX10 @7
45sX7 @10

Was hoping to hit a Bench PR on this last week, but I either peaked last week or shot myself in the foot with a max Press on Monday.  Still a productive couple of bench blocks.  Peak e1RM at the end of bock 15 was 240.  Peaked in Block 16 at 247.5, and last week at 257.5

I haven't hit 10 reps on chins since January '18.  But if you look at actual video of those sets, they were shit: , and I re-set to sets of 5 trying to be stricter after seeing that video.  I should have videoed todays set.  I do feel confident that elbows were getting above ears at the bottom, and definitely that chin was clearing the bar at the top.

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