Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Block 18 (Exploratory). Cycle 1. Session A.

sRPE @5
BW - 218

Curls - 65X6, 11 @7/10

Bench -
195X1 @5
135X13 @6
Machine Flyes - X17X7.5

Deadlift -
375X1 @5
255X10 @4

SSB Pause Squat - 160X9 @6

Curls tend to have a bigger drop off between blocks for me than most lifts, but this was still a below average change.  Still only dropped me back to the early middle of the previous block, and presuming an average progression, might still end up above where I finished the previous block.

Bench strength was retained a bit better than usual, and DL a bit lower.

Paused Safety Squats felt good.  Didn't push them at all today getting acclimated, but looking forward to adding some effort and volume next week and seeing how they go.

Also, the scale I've been using at the gym had me at, like, 212 today, which just seemed low.  I grabbed a 10 lb. plate and tested it on the scale and it showed, like, 5 lbs.  There's a similar digital scale in another part of the gym, and I tried that with a calibrated 5k plate, and it came in at 4.9.  I'll use that scale from now on.  

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