Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Block 8. Cycle 2. Session A.

BW - 225

Waist - 43"

Squat -
360X1 @8.25
257.5X12, 12 @7.5, 8.5

Leg Press (Myo-Reps; 30 sec. rests) -
270X18 @8
270X5, 5, 5, 5, 5 @7/7.5

Solid session.

So far, the projected maxes for my top single and my back-off sets of 12 are at odds.  I'm going to do separate projections for those going forward.  Might be worth logging as a custom RPE.  Don't know.  This cycle the 12@8 was about 66% of the e1RM based off the top single.  That's about 5% higher than on the standard table.  We'll see where it ends up.

For Leg Press, rather than increase the weight, I figured I'd just try to add reps, and up the weight when I hit 20 reps @~8.  The myo-rep sets were a bit easier this time, but as long as the first set is increasing reps, I'm okay with that.

Video is top single and final back-off set.

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