Tuesday, August 21, 2018

HLM. Week 4. Day 1.

BW - 228

Squat -
395X1 (high)
315X5, 5, 5, 5

Incline Bench - 200X3, 3, 3, 3

BB Rows - 185X7, 7, 7

Was again nervous about the top set of Squats.  20 lbs. heavier than last week, and the heaviest weight since rehabbing my adductor.  And once again, the weight was pretty easy, an the adductor feels fine.  Unfortunately, the first set was above parallel.  Wah-wah.  I deliberated about what to do, and ultimately took it again.  Better depth, but still borderline. Decided to take it and try to do better in the future.  Originally, the program was to do a single and 5X5 back-off.  Since I took an extra single, I decided to only do 4X5 to keep the volume "slots" as programmed.  Both singles, and last back-off shown.

After last week's Inclines, I was pretty sure I 4X5 @ +10 lbs. wasn't going to be great.  I was prepared to be surprised, but I could tell from the first couple of reps that I needed to cut to 3 reps if wanted to get all of the volume in without a lot of @9+ RPE sets.  Totally at peace with that decision.  I've decided to incorporate that into the program going forward for the last week of each 3 week Bench wave.  I really want the Incline weight to be the same as the back-off weight on heavy Bench day for the psychological benefits of having handled the weight already on the "harder" movement, so that it may "feel" light on the main movement.  Last set shown.

I was running out of time, and my right wrist has been bothering me, so I decided to skip Chin-Ups.  They can sometimes aggravate my wrists, and I'd like those joints to be fresh for alternate grip DL later in the week.

Week 1 of a new 3-week DL wave, so intensity drops down on BB Rows, but I upped the reps to 7 per set.  These did take a little more "leg" to complete all the reps in the sets, but I kept pretty good torso position and the bar touched in the same area (just above the belt) on all reps.  Gym was crowded, and so I couldn't get video where I was working.

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